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Essay/Term paper: Aircraft crash at t s t c

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Definition Essays

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An Aircraft Crash at T.S.T.C

A short flight from Fort Hood to T.S.T.C ended with an
extraordinary turn of events, that will never be forgotten.
The aircraft's landing gear retracted on landing, causing
minor damage to the airframe, the loss of an engine, and
eventually the demise of the aircraft.
As the main gear struck the ground, the aircraft was in
perfect position for landing. The nose of the aircraft was
high, so it could be eased, gently to the ground. The nose was
coming down slowly, but when it made contact with the
concrete, it retracted back into the chin of the aircraft.
This caused the nose to fall to the ground.
This, in turn, caused scrapes on the nose and wings. The
propeller blades bent when they came in contact with the
ground, along with the wingtips. Even after all that, the
aircraft was still flyable, because on an aircraft of its'
size, that kind of damage is considered minor.
Emergency vehicles rushed out to help the pilots out of
the aircraft, when a small fire started in the right engine.
While the fireman was putting out the fire, the truck was
slowly moving forward. Subsequently, the truck driver left the
truck in gear. It bumped into the aircraft's engine, and kept
on going. Before the driver could stop the truck, it knocked
the engine off of the aircraft. Ironicly the plane was more
expensive to repair, than to buy a new aircraft, after that.
So the aircraft was laid to rest in a spare parts yard.
This proves that small things, that you think will turn
out alright, can have disastrous results. The aircraft could
have been repaired, before the firetruck knocked off the engine.


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